What We Do


Our Mission is to re-direct the youth in the community who are at risk of becoming or are already Justice involved to positive pathways through mentorships, cognitive therapy, violence interruption/gang intervention, assistance with apprenticeships,  job coaching and placement services.

We offer the following Services:

Violence Interruption

  • Street level engagement to prevent and mediate conflicts
  • Crisis intervention and de-escalation strategies


  • One-on-one mentoring relationships with credible messengers
  • Group mentoring activities and events

Cognitive Therapy

  • Accessible mental health services for participants
  • Group therapy sessions focusing on trauma informed care
  • Job Readiness and Apprenticeships

Job Readiness

  • Soft skills training (communication, teamwork, time management)
  • Resume building and interview preparation
  • Opportunities for internships with community partners


  • Collaboration with local businesses and community partners
  • Hands on training in various industries aligned with participants interests

Community Engagement  Events

  • Workshops, seminars and events to involve the community in supporting at risk youth
  • Volunteer opportunities for community members to contribute to the cause